In a time of a global economic and structural crisis, investing in Italy can be a great opportunity. In fact, according to many economists, the “Bel Paese” has much potential to grow and have economic development – and thus gain for investors – very similar to countries in the developing world, however, without the serious political and social issues.
Furthermore, compelled by the European Union, Italy is trying to progress and attain a much simpler bureaucratic structure, reducing taxes along with labor costs and reforming the justice system.
Whether at the state or regional level, in addition, entrepreneurs can benefit by participating in appropriate public calls, with a free grant or a subsidized rate.
Finally, you cannot forget the renowned hospitality of the Italian people, especially that of the citizens of Apulia: unlike most other Europeans, Apulia welcomes foreign investors.
In this context of renovated confidence in the future, a preferential position is assumed from Apulia, indeed thanks to its geographic location, Apulia has always been considered to be an essential hub for international trade.
Throughout history, Apulia’s land has always been desired. For centuries various nations have fought to rule over its natural harbor in the Mediterranean Sea, from the ancient Greeks to the Byzantines, even the Angevins and Spaniards.
Even today, Apulia is logistically considered to be an excellent hub for the countries of North Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, thanks to its three ports (Bari, Brindisi and Taranto), two passenger airports (Bari and Brindisi) and a cargo airport (Grottaglie). As well Apulia has an excellent road and rail network that easily connects the South with the North of Italy and the rest of Europe.
In addition to Apulia’s locale, its land produces an abundance of diverse agricultural and thanks to the modernization of farming, Puglia is one of the largest producers of Italian durum wheat, tomatoes, olive oil, table grapes and wine.
In recent years there has been a great growth in producing and marketing wine and food products around the world with certificates of excellence D.O.P., D.O.C. and I.G.T. As a result, Apulia is one of the most interesting areas in Italy in this respect.
Apulia is also the most industrialized region of southern Italy, and, next to large petrochemical and steel industries, there are always very active and dynamic manufacturing districts (footwear, textile, furniture) related to ancient traditions rooted in the territory.
In the past several years Apulia has also been discover by tourists due to its natural beauty, historical architecture, the variety of attractions and accessibility. All of which has made it possible to attract and accommodate ever-increasing tourist flows and in sharp contrast with the data reported in all the countries of the Mediterranean basin.
The true brilliance of the region is now the district of mechatronics, where they were born or have settled some of the most important European companies in this sector: thanks to the focus of some political institutions there is an emergence of companies that emphasize on technological innovation.
In sum, you should invest in Apulia today because:
- There is a great willingness of government and citizens to respect new investors;
- There is the possibility to use in a convenient way existing industrial and/or production areas or create new ones;
- There is the possibility of using an elevated regime of subsidies to companies and the presence of financial instruments to encourage investment;
- There is great availability of young and highly skilled workforce, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with research centers and academic institutions;
- There are infrastructural endowments and planned actions to advance the roadways, as well as rail and air transportation.