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Green Business Meeting: Apulia Invest for a greener Apulia

March 18th, 2015 | | Tags:

Within the cross-border cooperation project Greece-Italy 2007-2013 “Green Business Innovation“, last March 17, at Tecnopolis PST, there has been the Green Business Meeting.

Even Apulia Invest has actively attended the meeting.

The gathering was helpful to meet some apulian SMEs and Greek companies accompanied by Greek partners of the project, such as the Hellenic Management Association and the University of Patras.

The meeting was also attended by representatives of the departments and agencies of the Region of Apulia (Puglia Sviluppo SpA, Mediterranean Department of Puglia Region, ARTI – Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation, Tecnopolis) and European organizations (EBN – European Business & Innovation Centre Network).

Depending on their mission and their powers, the various participants examined to better understand the development opportunities as part of the Green Economy. It was also an occasion to explore opportunities for multidisciplinary collaborations aimed at optimizing the internationalization and networking between institutions and enterprises in both countries, so as to share solutions useful to the resolution of common problems.


Apulia Invest,  born to create developing opportunities in the apulian area, was successfully received as the perfect partner for all those investors that, to expand and diversify their own core business, they look at Apulia as the location to realize takeovers, corporate mergers, joint ventures or to search for local partners.

Among the various tools presented, particular emphasis was given to the partnership that Apulia Invest has recently signed with BacktoWork24, a “Gruppo 24 Ore” company.

In an evolving scenario, where it is necessary to coordinate the growing demand for “Green products” with the concrete needs to better manage the related projects and investments, Apulia Invest has been proposed as a reliable partner to sail with the wind behind towards a more sustainable future.