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In a time of a global economic and structural crisis, investing in Italy can be a great opportunity. In fact, according to many economists, the “Bel Paese” has much potential to grow and have economic development – and thus gain for investors – very similar to countries in the developing world, however, without the serious political and social issues.

About Us

Apulia Invest is the perfect partner for foreign and Italian buyers who intend to seek out and evaluate a residential or productive investment within the region of Apulia. In an historical moment characterized by significant and widespread economic hardships, Apulia Invest stems from the need to create opportunities for development in Apulia. [Leggi tutto]

Why Us?

Apulia Invest offers personalized and expert advice, ensuring an efficient and practical support aimed at providing the answers to all the needs of those persons who intend to take advantage of the investment opportunities that this land, from the point of view of tourism, industrial, cultural, logistical and commercial offer. [Leggi tutto]



Via Verdi 5 – 74015 Martina Franca (TA)

tel: +39 080.9697060

Acceleratore d’impresa

Ogni anno selezioniamo quattro progetti imprenditoriali, nati in Puglia e con importanti prospettive di sviluppo, ed offriamo attività di consulenza, competenze ed esperienze specifiche nel settore di riferimento.  [Leggi tutto]


COME DIVENTARE START UP INNOVATIVA PREMESSA Una start-up innovativa è una particolare forma… [Leggi tutto]


  E’ di qualche settimana fa l’intervista rilasciata da Gianmarco Carnovale a Startupitalia! (,… [Leggi tutto]

Ordine Architetti2

Apulia Invest has expanded its partnership network by entering into an agreement protocol… [Leggi tutto]


Apulia Invest (confirming its nature as a dynamic company aimed at creating opportunities… [Leggi tutto]